The fight for Civil Rights became one of the biggest movements in the 19th and 20th centuries. For some, the passion for equality became an overarching theme for their lives. These are the heroes who fought to guarantee Civil Rights for the masses.

Thurgood Marshall
Thurgood Marshall was the first Black Justice of the United States Supreme Court
January 10, 2012/by Gaius Chamberlain
Rosa Parks
Rosa Parks helped to set off the civil rights movement, refusing to give up her bus seat
February 7, 2013/by Gaius Chamberlain
Malcolm X
Malcolm X was one of the most influential activists in the history of the United States
January 28, 2018/by Gaius Chamberlain
Harriet Tubman
Harriet Tubman was an escaped slave who helped other slaves escape to freedom
December 16, 2011/by Henrietta Cast
Frederick Douglass
Frederick Douglass was the most well-known Black abolitionists in the US
January 22, 2015/by Gaius Chamberlain
Ella Baker
Ella Baker, renown as a civil rights pioneer, struggled against sexism within the movement
November 23, 2018/by Gaius Chamberlain
Bayard Rustin
Bayard Rustin was an unknown hero of the civil rights movement of the 1960's
February 1, 2015/by Gaius ChamberlainAbout the Site
Welcome to Great Black Heroes. This site looks as many of the Black heroes in the course of history, pioneers and ground breakers in different fields. Many have gone unrecognized for their contributions, but their significance is now being rediscovered. Join us in recognizing these Great Black Heroes.